Call Center Connect Collaboration with PortaOne

Business collaborations are an essential road to success in a dynamic commercial environment. MMDSmart cooperates with many different partners for technology and commercial projects, industry ecosystem and telecom connectivity.

Recently, our Call Center Connect division collaborated with technology provider PortaOne to develop new functionality included in the Call Center Connect platform. This landmark work significantly enhanced the features available in a cloud based contact center solution like Call Center Connect, and perhaps most importantly, those features are available out of the box, and don’t require any additional investment of time or money.

Find out how our vision to provide a full-featured service for smaller enterprises that don’t have the resources but still seek to provide the personalized attention their customers expect, morphed into a working cooperation that benefited both 2 companies, the market, and most importantly our customers. Here is the full article re-posted from the PortaOne site (link to Cloud PBX Success: How to Create a Cloud Call Center Solution ):

Not much more than a year ago, a cloud call center platform that’s perfectly customized for the needs of SMB enterprises wasn’t even on our development roadmap – to that point, it was something we left in the hands of our technology partners. Now, thanks to an exciting collaboration with MMDSmart – an Israeli-based CSP that became a new PortaOne customer last year – a cloud contact center for small businesses is not only a robust feature of PortaSwitch + Cloud PBX, it’s also a major driver for PortaSwitch expansion and an opportunity for every telco to grow into a full-service, self-branded cloud PBX platform for the enterprise market. 

Read on for the full story behind this profit-driving innovation: how it came to be, why our customers are our best creative resource, and how MMDSMart – and the entire PortaOne customer community – is benefiting from what we designed together.

From a brainwave to an MVP

In 2022, MMDSmart came to PortaOne for a PortaSwitch demo and asked our team about cloud call center functionality – as a company that mainly serves the enterprise market, they foresaw a demand for such a service among businesses that don’t have the resources to host a large call center but don’t want to give up the personalized attention their customers expect. 

At that point, we had not been offering such a feature directly, and so our technical team suggested a few outside vendors that MMDSmart could integrate into PortaSwitch to fill that need. That’s when an MMDSmart executive offered a brainwave: Rather than an outside integration, was there a way to adapt PortaOne’s existing cloud PBX web interface so that call center managers could see who was on a call and who was idle? 

From that moment, PortaOne project lead Dmytro Lavraniuk could see it all mapped out: by simply adding a single page showing active calls to the self-care interface for a cloud PBX environment, he could create a basic mini contact center management portal within PortaSwitch cloud PBX – an MVP, or “minimum viable product” for a future cloud call center solution. 

Even better? His team could build this basic functionality for MMDSmart to “test-drive” in just two weeks. From there, they could use it, find its gaps, and help us expand it into the exact product they envisioned: Call Center Connect – an affordable, robust, and completely cloud-based call center solution that would put customer service back into the hands of small businesses.

“You have the market expertise, and we provide you with the building blocks you need to use that expertise,” explains Lavraniuk. “That way you can customize everything to your own uses and put together those pieces in the way that works best for you. That gives you a real competitive advantage.”

How MMDSmart took our call center product to the next level

Out-of-the-box platform vendors that tell you how to use their products are missing out on one of the best drivers of innovation: the needs, knowledge, and creativity of their customers. Our initial MVP solution consisted simply of a few cloud PBX seats for customer service agents and a portal where team managers could monitor active calls and jump in or “whisper” to agents as needed, but as MMDSmart put the solution to use and offered us their ideas on where it could improve, our team was able to push the edges of the product in the most effective directions for an enterprise-focused CSP.

Each of these back-and-forth conversations took the early versions of Call Center Connect further forward: MMDSmart would bring us a request for an improvement or added functionality, our team would suggest the best integration, and MMDSmart would tell us how we could adjust it to make it even more useful. Along the way, the team at MMDSmart were becoming independent experts at adapting our source code on their own. Within a few months, they were developing their own integrations and improvements, connecting with us for advice when needed.

“We are proud of the architecture of our products because it is quite open,” says Lavraniuk. “We provide the APIs, and the customer can build their own ecosystem.”

The next Call Center Connect puzzle pieces: Seamless dialing and billing

One of the biggest advancements during this collaboration came when MMDSmart decided to take their Call Center Connect solution a step further: they wanted their customers to be able to use their product without having to invest in any IP phones at all. The answer? The addition of PortaPhone: our customizable webRTC softphone app, based on the WebTrit technology stack, that can turn any web browser into a phone dialer. 

To make it happen, MMDSmart activated a free trial for PortaPhone via the Add-on Mart, then designed their own custom integration: they combined the PortaPhone click-to-dial functionality with the built-in customer self-care portal in PortaSwitch + Cloud PBX, then connected that to their own in-house CRM. It worked exactly as MMDSmart wanted it to: a new enterprise customer can launch Call Center Connect immediately, with no need to order hardware – and their call center teams can work from home, or from anywhere in the world. The solution also allows managers to monitor traffic and supervise calls via the cloud PBX portal. And, thanks to that click-to-dial integration with the MMDSmart CRM, agents can connect with customers directly from the web interface.

Once those pieces were in place, the next step was to create an autodialer. At the time, PortaOne did not offer an autodialer, but we did – and still do – offer access to our Call Control API. So, our team of engineers developed a customized solution that allowed MMDSmart to embed their own autodialer into the portal. Then, they created an application that triggers the system to make a call and connect it to an agent. Finally, MMDSmart had the idea to connect the dots and embed a link to their in-house payment gateway into their cloud PBX self-care portal. Now, when a Call Center Connect customer makes a payment, the payment gateway registers this transaction against the customer’s record in PortaSwitch.

“Call Center Connect from MMDSmart is designed to provide our customers with a full-featured, off-the-shelf platform for managing a dynamic contact center. Our cloud-based call center solution can be personalized for each customer, providing the highest quality global voice service,” says Ira Cohen, VP, Business Development and Marketing for MMDSmart

“The collaboration with PortaOne is significant because it enables growing companies to access and use advanced contact center tools without investing in expensive, resource-draining integrations. Working with PortaOne, we were able to add new functionality to our platform that was specifically designed for our requirements and for Call Center Connect customer needs, and the feedback from our customers has been fantastic.”

Individual innovation that benefits the entire industry

Many of the innovations that MMDSmart and PortaOne created to launch Call Center Connect are now permanently available via PortaOne + Cloud PBX, our Add-on Mart marketplace for telco apps, and new releases of PortaSwitch – which means they are there for all PortaOne customers who want to expand their services. And as more and more CSPs in our community request new features for their enterprise customers, we will be scheduling even more functionalities into our development roadmap, whether that’s new custom reports, IVR, SIP trunking, enhanced portal environments for senior call center supervisors, or whatever monetizable service or competitive edge our customers think to ask for next.

“The whole cloud call center creation was something very spontaneous – it arose out of an idea, out of brainstorming, rather than from some larger, long-term marketing plan,” says Dmytro Lavraniuk. “And every time we have one of these conversations and put something new into our development roadmap, all of our customers benefit from it.”

Resolving Workplace Conflicts: 5 Communication Strategies for Success

Conflicts are an inherent aspect of human interactions, and the workplace is no stranger to this reality. From variances in opinions and communication styles to competing priorities, conflicts can emerge among colleagues, teams, or different departments. Successfully navigating these conflicts is crucial for maintaining a harmonious and productive work environment. 

Let’s consider a scenario where two team members, Alex and Sarah, are working on a critical project with tight deadlines. As they collaborate, differences in their approaches and ideas start causing tension between them. The conflict escalates to the point where they are frequently disagreeing and struggling to find common ground. 

Recognizing the impact of this conflict on team productivity, the project manager intervenes and schedules a meeting for both parties to openly discuss their concerns. During the meeting, active listening and empathy play vital roles as each person articulates their perspectives while the other listens attentively without interruptions. Through clear communication, they gain a deeper understanding of each other’s viewpoints. 

The project manager encourages them to find areas of agreement and to collaborate on a solution that incorporates their diverse ideas. By adopting a collaborative problem-solving approach and employing effective communication techniques, Alex and Sarah successfully resolve their conflict, leading to improved teamwork and better project outcomes.

In this blog, we will delve into the prevalence of conflicts in the workplace, identify various types of conflicts that can arise, and, most significantly, present five highly effective strategies for resolving these conflicts through enhanced communication.

Types of Conflicts at the Workplace:

Understanding the various types of conflicts that can arise in the workplace is essential for effective conflict management. These conflicts can manifest in different ways, each with its unique challenges and implications. We will explore the five main categories of workplace conflicts and delve into their characteristics, root causes, and potential resolutions. 

By gaining insights into interpersonal conflicts, task-related conflicts, role conflicts, communication conflicts, and organizational conflicts, we can equip ourselves with valuable tools to address and mitigate these issues proactively, fostering a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Interpersonal Conflicts – These conflicts occur between individuals and are often a result of personality clashes, differing work styles, or misunderstandings.

Task-related Conflicts – Conflict can arise when team members have different approaches or opinions about how to accomplish a particular task or project.

Role Conflicts – Role ambiguity or overlapping responsibilities can lead to conflicts among employees as they struggle to define their roles and contributions.

Communication Conflicts – Poor communication or misinterpretation of messages can lead to conflicts and strained relationships in the workplace.

Organizational Conflicts – Conflicts can also emerge due to issues related to organizational policies, resource allocation, or competition for promotions.

5 Effective Strategies for Conflict Resolution

  1. Active Listening: One of the most crucial aspects of effective communication in conflict resolution is active listening. Encourage open dialogue, give everyone an opportunity to express their concerns, and ensure that all parties feel heard and understood.
  2. Empathy and Understanding: Foster empathy among team members by encouraging them to put themselves in each other’s shoes. Understanding different perspectives can lead to more comprehensive and compassionate solutions.
  3. Clear Communication: Emphasize the importance of clear and respectful communication. Encourage employees to express their thoughts and feelings constructively, avoiding blame or personal attacks.
  4. Collaborative Problem-Solving: Instead of approaching conflicts as win-lose situations, promote a collaborative problem-solving approach. Encourage employees to work together towards finding solutions that benefit everyone involved.
  5. Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training: Consider implementing conflict resolution training or bringing in a professional mediator to help facilitate discussions and guide the resolution process. Mediators can help keep conversations on track and ensure that emotions do not escalate the conflict further.

Conflict in the Office Shouldn’t Be Disruptive

Conflicts at the workplace are a natural occurrence, but they don’t have to be disruptive or damaging. By fostering a culture of open communication, empathy, and collaboration, organizations can effectively address and resolve conflicts, leading to a more harmonious and productive work environment. 

Implementing these five effective strategies for conflict resolution will not only promote healthier relationships among employees but also contribute to the overall success and growth of the organization.

Regulating Conflict at MMDSmart

At MMDSmart, we wholeheartedly embrace various tools to effectively regulate conflicts in the workplace, fostering a harmonious and productive environment. Our approach revolves around active listening, wherein we encourage open dialogue and ensure that each individual has the opportunity to express their concerns, fostering an atmosphere of understanding and respect. 

Empathy is another vital aspect we cultivate among team members, encouraging them to see issues from different perspectives to arrive at compassionate solutions. We emphasize the importance of clear and constructive communication, urging employees to express their thoughts and feelings without resorting to blame or personal attacks. To tackle conflicts head-on, we promote collaborative problem-solving, steering away from win-lose scenarios and guiding employees to work together to find mutually beneficial resolutions. 

To further enhance conflict resolution skills, we provide mediation and conflict resolution training, and if needed, involve professional mediators to facilitate discussions and maintain a calm atmosphere, ensuring emotions don’t escalate conflicts. By embracing these tools, we empower our team to address conflicts proactively and harmoniously, resulting in a more cohesive and thriving work environment.

Leadership Growth and Vertical Advancement: The MMDSmart Perspective

As organizations continue to grow and adapt to the ever-evolving business landscape, the importance of strong leadership has become increasingly evident. The journey towards effective leadership, fostering internal growth, and effectively managing employee promotions plays a pivotal role in organizational success.

Perspectives of Leadership: When, How, Why

Understanding the ‘when, how, and why’ of leadership can provide valuable insight into the fundamental necessity of effective leaders within an organization.

When: Leadership is an ongoing process,  not a periodic task; It’s demanded every day, in every decision, in every interaction. From critical strategic decisions to everyday team management, leadership is consistently called upon to guide and inspire.

How: Leadership operates through a mixture of strategic thinking, decision-making abilities, communication skills, and empathy. It’s about influencing others towards achieving common goals, fostering a conducive work environment, and driving continual growth and improvement.

Why: Leadership is the driving force behind any successful team or organization. Good leaders foster team spirit, facilitate effective communication, inspire innovation, and are essential for navigating challenges and change. The ‘why’ of leadership is all about fostering a culture that encourages growth, productivity, and satisfaction among employees.

Encouraging Leadership and Vertical Growth

The active encouragement of leadership development and vertical growth within an organization is crucial. It not only boosts employee morale and job satisfaction but also increases productivity, drives innovation, and results in superior business performance.

When employees see opportunities for growth within their organization, they are more likely to be engaged, committed, and motivated to perform at their best. It also allows the company to nurture and retain talent, reducing the costs associated with external hiring and onboarding.

Effectively Navigating Promotions

When promoting employees, it’s vital to consider not only their past performance but also their potential to succeed in a higher role. Their leadership skills, ability to handle increased responsibility, and alignment with the company’s strategic direction should all be evaluated.

Promotions should be managed transparently and fairly, with clear communication regarding the expectations and responsibilities of the new role. Providing the necessary support, training, and resources for newly promoted employees can significantly improve their transition and performance.

MMDSmart: A Tradition of  Encouraging Internal Growth

Here at MMDSmart, we take pride in cultivating a work culture that supports internal growth. Our belief in the potential of our employees has resulted in a significant number of vertical advancements within the organization. Just since 2020, more than 10%of our employees have grown within the company, moving into higher roles and greater responsibilities.

We attribute this to our commitment to nurturing leadership skills among our employees and providing them with the opportunities and support to grow. We understand that our employees are our most significant asset, and we are committed to investing in their growth.

Promotions within MMDSmart are not merely about filling a position; they signify our confidence in our employees’ abilities and potential. We ensure that each promotion is accompanied by comprehensive support, including training, mentorship, and resources, to equip our employees for success in their new roles.

Cultivating leadership and encouraging vertical growth within an organization is integral to its success. By understanding the perspectives of leadership, managing promotions effectively, and fostering a culture that supports internal growth, organizations can drive innovation, increase productivity, and achieve business excellence. The journey of MMDSmart serves as a testament to the power of this approach, demonstrating the substantial benefits of investing in internal growth and leadership development.

Different Backgrounds, One Team

Workplace  diversity has become an increasingly discussed issue  in recent years. In the workplace, diversity – which is defined as the differences between individuals, such as gender, race, age, culture, and religion – is not only important, but also necessary. 

It brings a multitude of perspectives and experiences to the table, which ultimately leads to a more successful and innovative company. In the telecom industry, where MMDSmart operates, diversity plays a crucial role in keeping up with the constantly changing technological landscape, relating to a dynamic multi-colored global industry, and meeting the diverse needs of customers.

​​By incorporating different viewpoints and experiences, companies like MMDSmart can identify opportunities that might not have been visible otherwise, leading to innovative solutions and competitive advantages. We have a better understanding of the needs and preferences of our diverse customer base, which allows the company to offer tailored and effective solutions. Additionally, a diverse workforce helps MMDSmart stay agile in an ever-changing market, as we can more easily adapt to new trends, technologies, and customer demands.

Benefits of Diversity

One of the main benefits of diversity is widening the talent pool. By embracing diversity, we can attract a wider range of candidates with different backgrounds and experiences. This results in a more skilled and talented workforce, which in turn leads to improved performance and productivity.

Another benefit of diversity is the ability to share different experiences. When individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives come together, they are able to bring new ideas and solutions to the table. This creates an innovative and dynamic work environment, where everyone has a voice and is encouraged to contribute.

Moreover, diverse teams have been shown to outperform homogeneous teams in terms of problem-solving and decision-making. This is because diverse teams bring a wider range of perspectives and experiences to the table, which allows for a more thorough analysis of issues and more creative solutions.

Challenges of Diversity

Despite the many benefits of diversity, there are also challenges that companies must be aware of and work to overcome. One of the main challenges is unifying the different experiences with the company goals. It can be difficult to create a shared vision and sense of purpose when individuals come from such diverse backgrounds.

Another challenge is internal resistance. Some employees may resist diversity initiatives, feeling that it is a threat to their own position or the company culture. This can create tension and conflict within the organization.

Finally, communication can be a challenge in diverse teams. Individuals may have different communication styles or may speak different languages. This can lead to misunderstandings or miscommunications, which can ultimately impact productivity and team cohesion.

Best Practices to Overcome Diversity Challenges

At MMDSmart, we have implemented several best practices to overcome the challenges of diversity. One of the key strategies is team building. We have found that team-building activities, such as group outings and retreats, help to build trust and rapport among team members. This creates a more cohesive team, where individuals feel comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives.

Another strategy we have implemented is soft skills improvement. Soft skills, such as communication and collaboration, are essential in diverse teams. We offer training and workshops to help our employees develop these skills, which helps to reduce communication challenges and improves team performance.

Finally, we believe that feedback is essential in diverse teams. We encourage our employees to provide feedback to each other on their work, communication, and collaboration. This helps to create a culture of continuous improvement, where individuals are able to learn from each other and grow both personally and professionally.

A Part of our Culture

Diversity is a crucial element in the telecom industry, and particularly at MMDSmart. By embracing diversity, we are able to attract a wider range of talent, bring new perspectives and ideas to the table, and ultimately improve performance and productivity. However, it is important to be aware of the challenges of diversity and work to overcome them through team building, soft skills improvement, and feedback. At MMDSmart, we believe that diversity is a strength, and we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive.

The Future of Work: Exploring Emerging Opportunities in Telecom

The labor market is a dynamic entity that constantly evolves and adapts to the ever-changing demands of industries. Staying informed about current trends and future forecasts is crucial for professionals seeking growth and success in their careers. We’ve put together some current trends in the labor market, highlighted the top forecasted opportunities for the coming years, and explored new opportunities emerging in the telecom industry.

Current Trends

The labor market is currently undergoing significant transformations. Some of the prominent trends include:

  • Remote Work and Flexible Schedules: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work and flexible schedules. Many companies have recognized the benefits of these arrangements, leading to a rise in remote job opportunities across various industries.
  • Emphasis on Digital Skills: With the rapid advancement of technology, digital skills are highly sought after. Professionals with expertise in areas such as data analysis, AI, cybersecurity, and digital marketing have a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Sustainability and Green Jobs: In response to growing concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability, there is an increasing demand for professionals with expertise in green jobs. Industries such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and environmental consulting are experiencing significant growth.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Companies are recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and are actively seeking professionals who can contribute to creating inclusive work environments.
  • Upskilling and Lifelong Learning: The rapid pace of technological advancements requires professionals to continuously upskill and engage in lifelong learning. Employers are increasingly valuing candidates who demonstrate a commitment to ongoing development and adaptability.

Top Job Forecast

Forecasting specific job types over the next five years can be challenging due to the dynamic nature of the labor market. However, based on current trends and emerging industries, the following five types of jobs are expected to be in high demand:

  • Data Scientists and Analysts: With the increasing amount of data generated by businesses and the need to derive valuable insights from it, data scientists and analysts will continue to be in high demand. These professionals will be responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting large datasets to drive informed decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Specialists: As AI and machine learning technologies continue to advance, the demand for professionals specializing in these fields will soar. AI specialists will be crucial in developing and implementing intelligent systems, while machine learning specialists will focus on training algorithms to recognize patterns and make predictions.
  • Cybersecurity Experts: With the persistent threat of cyber attacks and the increasing value of data security, cybersecurity experts will remain in high demand. These professionals will play a vital role in safeguarding digital infrastructure, protecting sensitive information, and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.
  • IoT Specialists: The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to revolutionize industries, from healthcare to manufacturing. IoT specialists will be essential in developing and managing interconnected devices and systems. Their expertise in areas such as sensor networks, cloud computing, and data analytics will be in high demand.
  • Healthcare Professionals: The healthcare industry will experience sustained growth due to factors such as aging populations, advancements in medical technology, and increased focus on preventive care. Various healthcare professions, including nurses, physician assistants, physical therapists, and medical researchers, will see high demand.

It’s important to note that the job market is influenced by a wide range of factors, including economic conditions, technological advancements, and industry-specific developments. Therefore, while these job types are expected to be in demand, it’s crucial for individuals to stay adaptable, continuously update their skills, and remain aware of emerging trends in their respective fields.

Top new opportunities in the Telecom Industry

The telecom industry is evolving at a rapid pace, presenting exciting new opportunities. There is no shortage of opportunities available in the industry.

With the increasing reliance on digital infrastructure, ensuring the security of networks and data is paramount. Professionals with skills in cybersecurity will find numerous opportunities to protect networks, prevent cyber threats, and ensure data privacy.

Additionally, as telecom companies expand their networks to accommodate growing demands, professionals involved in the development of telecommunications infrastructure will be in high demand. This includes roles such as site acquisition specialists, project managers, and network architects.

Finally, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the telecom industry opens up avenues for professionals specializing in these fields. AI and ML can optimize network performance, automate processes, and enable predictive maintenance, resulting in increased efficiency and cost savings.

Staying informed about labor market trends is crucial for professionals seeking to navigate their careers successfully. The telecom industry, in particular, presents numerous opportunities for growth and innovation. By embracing the current trends, focusing on the forecasted prestigious professionals, and exploring new opportunities, individuals can position themselves for success in this dynamic and evolving labor market.
See the exciting new opportunities right here at MMDSmart. Check out our career page to see our open jobs.

Changes to Whatsapp Business Messaging Pricing: What You Need to Know

In the fast-paced world of digital communication, staying updated with the latest policies and pricing changes is crucial for businesses. Meta’s recent announcement regarding the new pricing policy for Whatsapp Business Messaging has caught the attention of many. As the implementation date approaches, it’s important to understand the key changes and how they may impact businesses relying on Whatsapp for customer communication.

Breaking Down the New Pricing Policy Beginning June 1, 2023, Meta’s new pricing policy for Whatsapp Business Messaging will come into effect. While the basic structure remains consistent, there are a few notable adjustments that businesses need to be aware of:

  • Elimination of Free Conversations: The previous provision of 1,000 free Whatsapp conversations per month will no longer be available under the new pricing policy.
  • Categorization of Messages: Messaging types have been re-classified into four distinct categories, each with its own rate. These categories include:
  • Service Messages (previously User Initiated conversations): For authentication, OTP messages, login processes, account verification, account recovery, etc. These conversations are free until the business responds.
  • Templated Messages: Business-initiated conversations that fall into specific categories, namely:
    • Authentication: Messages related to OTPs, login processes, etc. These messages are the lowest priced messages.
    • Utility Conversations: Updates regarding ongoing transactions. These messages are also priced lower than marketing conversations.
    • Marketing Conversations: Promotions, offers, informational updates, or invitations for customers to respond or take action. Any conversation that doesn’t qualify as utility or authentication falls into this category. These conversations have the highest cost within WhatsApp’s pricing model.

Under the new pricing policy, businesses who use WhatsApp messaging templates correctly will save substantially. They will no longer be charged full conversation rates when sending out authentication messages like one time passwords or while sending an update to a customer.

Stay connected, stay informed, and embrace the changing landscape of business communications!

From Onboarding to Teamwork: How MMDSmart Retains Employees in a Competitive Market

Employee retention is a major concern for companies across all industries. The cost of employee turnover can be staggering, ranging from lost productivity and decreased morale to increased recruitment and training expenses. 

At MMDSmart, we are committed to growing our company and developing our employees. Over the last year, we have seen our company’s full-time employees grow by over 30%. This growth reflects our commitment to our team, as well as our employee’s desire to continue working at MMDSmart.

Why Is Employee Retention So Challenging?

There are many reasons why employees leave their companies. Rapid growth can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming for employees who may feel like they are constantly playing catch-up with new responsibilities and business models. Similarly, transformation initiatives, such as implementing new technology or processes, can cause uncertainty and stress for employees. 

Opening new offices can also disrupt the sense of community and familiarity that employees have built in their current location. Organizational structure changes, such as mergers or reorganizations, can create confusion and uncertainty for employees. Finally, external factors such as changes in the industry or the economy can also contribute to employee turnover.

MMDSmart Works Hard to Retain Our Employees

To combat high employee turnover rates, companies must implement strategies to retain their top talent. Here are some of the top strategies that MMDSmart has found to be effective:

  1. Onboarding and orientation: It is essential to have a comprehensive onboarding and orientation process for new employees. This helps new hires feel welcomed and integrated into the company culture and ensures that they have the tools and resources they need to succeed.
  2. Development of professional and soft skills: Employees want to feel like they are growing and developing in their roles. We provide opportunities for training and development, both in terms of technical skills and soft skills such as communication and leadership. This helps retain employees by showing them that we are invested in their growth.
  3. Leadership growth: Employees want to work for companies with strong leaders who inspire and motivate them. Providing opportunities for leadership growth, through mentorship programs and leadership training, allow employees to gain important leadership skills and show that they have a path to advancement into a management role within the company.
  4. Perks: We provide perks such as flexible work arrangements, employee discounts, and wellness programs. This instills in employees the feeling that their employer values their well-being and work-life balance.
  5. Communication: Transparency and clear and open communication are key to retaining employees. At MMDSmart, we provide regular feedback, both positive and constructive, so our employees feel engaged and motivated.
  6. Recognition and rewards systems: Employees want to feel recognized and appreciated for their contributions. Implementing a recognition and rewards system, such as an employee of the month program or bonuses for exceptional performance, helps to keep exceptional employees by showing them that their hard work is valued.
  7. Flexibility: We value our employees’ autonomy, reliability, and trustworthiness and show this by allowing flexibility in their work arrangements, whether that means working remotely or adjusting their hours. 
  8. Teamwork: Building a strong sense of teamwork and community can help retain employees by providing a supportive and collaborative work environment. Encouraging team-building activities and fostering a sense of camaraderie can help employees feel connected to their colleagues and invested in their work.

Employee retention is a crucial aspect of any successful business. At MMDSmart, we have found that implementing these strategies helps to keep our top talent. By investing in our employees, we can ensure the continued growth and success of our company.

Looking for an exciting role in the telecommunications industry? Check out our employment opportunities and join our team!

Giving Employees What They Want

Human beings have a desire for everything to be perfect. When perfection isn’t an option, we want things to at least be satisfactory.

When our needs are fulfilled, we function better. Our sense of satisfaction and entitlement keeps us active, enthusiastic, and productive. Agree? Then keep on reading!

A good paycheck is not the only thing employees need to stay engaged with their jobs. Employees seek an ideal working environment that promotes learning and development, work-life balance, a positive corporate culture, and an overall good experience. Organizations that offer meaningful benefits and perks to fulfill these needs are rewarded with high employee retention, productivity, overall employee satisfaction, improved growth, and success.

A company wins when its employees are happy in their jobs and actively contribute to the company’s growth. If their needs are not taken care of, it may negatively impact their productivity, and ultimately hurt the company’s bottom line.

Why Give Employees Perks?

Employees are the company’s most valuable assets. They sail the ship and lead it to its destination. When employees leave, they are difficult to replace and complicated to train new employees. As a result, employee retention is a major concern for companies today.

A study by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation found that “more than half of millennials (56%) agreed that a quality benefits package influences their choice of employer, and 63% say that benefits are an important reason for staying with an employer.”

This stat shows that employee perks and benefits can have a significant impact on employee retention.

MMDSmart’s Perks for its Employees

At MMDSmart, we value our employees. We offer them a number of perks and benefits to ensure that they enjoy our work atmosphere.

  1. Professional Development
    Employees can start their professional career with us and grow within the company. Our ranks are filled with success stories of employees who began with an entry level position and were team lead within one year. We also believe in rotating employees across different roles, to demonstrate the value we place in them and our belief in their abilities.
  2. Young, friendly work environment
    Every employee has the opportunity to learn from more experienced employees. We value informal interactions and close relationships between our team members
  3. Flexible work format
    Employees can choose whether to work hybrid, from the office, or at home. Work from home in pajamas or chat in the office – whichever you prefer.
  4. Medical insurance
    We care about our employees’ well-being providing supplemental health care benefits
  5. Variety of bonuses
    We offer a referral bonus to employees who help us onboard new talent. Our team members know best if their friend will be a good fit on our team.
  6. Gym membership
    Work is important, but so is taking care of your body. We inspire our teammates to work out regularly so they feel strong and healthy
  7. Educational events and tuition reimbursement
    Need to learn something to advance your career? We offer courses and tuition reimbursement for classes so you can develop your knowledge and skills
  8. English classes and English club
    Take English classes and spend time with native English speakers so you can improve your language skills, build self-confidence, and communicate more effectively with customers.
  9. Team building and corporate gifts
    We host events to help build relationships between our employees

We encourage those on the job market to find a position that is best for them. We understand that success and satisfaction depend on the atmosphere, communication, and appreciation. At MMDSmart, we strive to create this type of work experience.

Applying to roles is easy. Send your CV to and get ready to join your new MMDSmart family.

What is Cloud-Based VoIP

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is an increasingly popular method of communication in the enterprise and business world. It uses the internet to transmit audio data instead of traditional phone lines, allowing for greater flexibility and lower costs. Cloud-based VoIP takes this a step further, by storing all the necessary equipment and software on remote servers, which businesses can access and use via the internet cloud.

How Cloud-Based VoIP Works

Cloud-based VoIP providers offer a wide range of features and benefits that traditional on-premise systems cannot match. For example, businesses can easily add new lines or features as needed and are not constrained by the limitations of their physical infrastructure. Cloud-based VoIP also provides greater flexibility in terms of location and mobility, allowing employees to work from anywhere with an internet connection. This is particularly useful for businesses with remote workers or those with multiple locations.

Cloud-based VoIP works by utilizing the internet to make and receive calls. Instead of relying on physical hardware or phone lines, everything is stored and managed on remote servers. Businesses can access this infrastructure by subscribing to a cloud-based VoIP service from a provider. Once subscribed, businesses can use any device connected to the internet to access their phone system.

Another key advantage of cloud-based VoIP is its scalability. As businesses grow, their phone systems can easily grow with them, without the need for costly upgrades or hardware investments. This makes it an ideal solution for startups or small businesses looking to expand without incurring significant costs.

Cloud-based VoIP also offers a range of advanced features that are not typically available with on-premise systems. These include call recording, voicemail-to-email transcription, and integration with other business applications such as CRM software. These features can significantly improve communication and collaboration within a business, as well as customer service and support.

Cloud VoIP vs On-Premise VoIP

On-premise VoIP systems are installed and managed on-site by businesses. This typically involves the purchase and installation of physical hardware and software, such as a Private Branch Exchange (PBX) system. While on-premise systems can provide greater control and customization, they also require significant investment in hardware, installation, and maintenance costs.

Cloud-based VoIP, on the other hand, eliminates the need for businesses to invest in expensive hardware or software, as everything is managed remotely by the provider. This allows businesses to focus on their core operations and leave the management of their phone systems to the experts. Cloud-based VoIP is also more flexible and scalable than on-premise systems, making it an ideal solution for businesses that need to adapt to changing circumstances quickly.

One of the main advantages of on-premise VoIP is the level of control that businesses have over their phone systems. This can be particularly important for businesses with specific compliance or security requirements, as they can ensure that their data is kept secure and within their own network. However, cloud-based VoIP providers typically have stringent security measures in place to ensure that businesses’ data is kept safe.

Is a Cloud-Based Phone Worthwhile for Your Business

Ultimately, the decision to switch to cloud-based VoIP depends on a variety of factors, including the size and complexity of your business, your communication needs, and your budget. For businesses that need a flexible, scalable, and feature-rich phone system, cloud-based VoIP can be an excellent solution. It allows businesses to easily add new lines or features as needed and provides greater mobility and location flexibility. Additionally, cloud-based VoIP typically has lower upfront costs and is more cost-effective over the long term.

However, businesses that have specific compliance or security requirements may find on-premise VoIP a better option, as they can have more control over their data and network. Additionally, businesses that have already invested in on-premise VoIP systems may not see the need to switch to a cloud-based solution.

Cloud-based VoIP is a powerful tool that can transform the way businesses communicate and collaborate. It provides a range of features and benefits that traditional on-premise systems cannot match, including flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. However, it is important for businesses to carefully evaluate their specific needs and budget before deciding on a phone system.

They should consider factors such as the number of employees, the need for mobility and flexibility, and the availability of reliable internet connections. Businesses should also research different cloud-based VoIP providers and compare their features, pricing, and customer support. By doing so, they can ensure that they choose the right solution for their business and enjoy the benefits of improved communication and collaboration.

Real-World Applications of Cloud-Based VoIP

Cloud-based VoIP can significantly enhance customer service by enabling features like call routing, automated attendants, and integration with CRM systems. This ensures customer inquiries are handled efficiently and routed to the appropriate representatives quickly. Supporting remote work is another significant advantage, as employees can work from anywhere with an internet connection, maintaining productivity even when not in the office. Advanced features such as video conferencing, group chats, and screen sharing facilitate better collaboration among team members, regardless of their physical location, leading to more effective teamwork and faster decision-making.

Startups and small businesses can benefit from the lower upfront costs and scalability of cloud-based VoIP. They can start with a small number of lines and expand as needed without significant capital investment. This flexibility supports their growth without incurring prohibitive costs.

Future Trends in Cloud-Based VoIP

The future of VoIP is set to be influenced by several trends. Integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a significant role, with features like intelligent call routing, voice recognition, and automated customer service enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of VoIP systems.

Startups and small businesses can benefit from cloud-based VoIP’s lower upfront costs and scalability. They can start with a small number of lines and expand as needed without significant capital investment. This flexibility supports their growth without incurring prohibitive costs.

Cloud-based VoIP is a transformative technology that offers numerous advantages over traditional on-premise systems. Its flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness make it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes. By carefully evaluating their needs, considering key factors when choosing a provider, and staying informed about future trends, businesses can make the most of cloud-based VoIP and enhance their communication and collaboration capabilities. The ability to easily add new lines or features, combined with lower upfront costs and greater mobility, makes cloud-based VoIP a powerful tool for modern business communication.

FAQs about Cloud-Based VoIP

What is the difference between Cloud VoIP and Hosted VoIP?

Cloud VoIP and Hosted VoIP are terms often used interchangeably, but they can have subtle differences. Cloud VoIP typically refers to a service where the provider manages and maintains the VoIP infrastructure entirely on the internet, often offering more flexibility and scalability. Hosted VoIP might involve dedicated servers managed by a provider but could still be housed in specific data centers. Both eliminate the need for on-premise hardware, but cloud solutions are usually more versatile and distributed.

How secure is Cloud VoIP?

Cloud VoIP can be highly secure if the provider employs strong security measures such as encryption for voice data, secure data centers, regular security audits, and compliance with industry standards. Businesses should also implement their own security practices, such as using strong passwords and educating employees about potential threats like phishing.

What are the common features of Cloud VoIP that benefit businesses?

Cloud VoIP offers a range of features beneficial to businesses, including auto-attendant, call forwarding, call recording, voicemail-to-email, video conferencing, integration with CRM and other business applications, mobile apps, and advanced analytics. These features enhance communication efficiency and provide valuable insights into call performance.

MMDSmart’s SMS Callbacks Up for a MEFFY Award

Our cutting-edge SMS Callback feature has been named a finalist for the 2023 MEFFY award in Enterprise Communications by the Mobile Ecosystem Forum. This award is given to the most influential omnichannel enterprise communication campaign of the year.

SMS Callback is a powerful tool for call centers, allowing them to more effectively engage with potential customers and boost their overall efficiency and return on investment. This feature enables call centers to send dynamic SMS messages with a callback link, which enables customers and prospects to get in touch when they are ready to discuss business.

SMS Callbacks have already demonstrated their ability to generate interest and activity at inbound call centers. With this feature, messaging campaigns can effectively eliminate the need for customers to fill out forms or wait for responses. Instead, sales agents can connect with them in a matter of seconds, answer their questions, and close sales.

It’s easy to vote for SMS Callback – simply visit the MEFFY page and select MMDSmart from the online voting ballot. But don’t delay – voting ends on February 26th!